In Summer we`ve got an invitation to participate in the project Little Wood.
Workshop documentation / the most beautiful moments in a video:
More information about the project Little Wood.
In Summer we`ve got an invitation to participate in the project Little Wood.
Workshop documentation / the most beautiful moments in a video:
More information about the project Little Wood.
May 26th/ 27th GUEST was on tour in Seoul/ Korea. Thanks for the support!
see more: Platoon Seoul
Get to know more about the process and the team!
Rainbow Unicorn (Design+Umsetzung) &
Marc Brinkmeier (Photos)
applied research & communication // in cooperation with Urban Design // TU Berlin
The aim of the project is to develop and to test building-integrated technologies of water treatment and water purification for the irrigation and fertilization of building-integrated greenhouse farms. The hygienically safe use of related water and nutrient flows is at focus. The project includes research on the potentials and opportunities of building-typological and urban spatial integration of Roof Water-Farm types for fish- and plant production. Challenges and risks of the transferability of this comprehensive infrastructural technology will be analyzed within the context of an innovative urban water resource management and urban food production. Guidances for different actors as well as media of communication will be developed and published.
More information: or
Picture: liquid landscapes // Lecture Performance // Christine Borch + Anja Steglich
Workshop in the frame of the symposium and seminar “Dialectics between urban imagineries and urban materialities” at/ with SKuOR/ TU Vienna and Daniel Aschwanden
January 21 – January 25
program: here
shows: 20./22./26.-29.09.2012 20:30 pm / Uferstudios/ studio 14
see more & get tickets: here
watch the trailer
A space is hardly separable from us humans, who fill it out with life and give it a purpose. The space is formed by us. We live, love, work and die in it. The DUST becomes allegory for retrospective stories and events that have taken place in spaces. What happens or remains of us when a place is left behind, orphaned?
After a departure into a new world with GUEST and a life in a foreign land in GHOST, with DUST, we have arrived in the city and let the place tell its story.
Räume sind nur schwer trennbar von uns Menschen, die diese mit Leben ausfüllen und ihnen erst eine Daseinsberechtigung geben. Ein Raum wird durch uns geformt. Wir leben, lieben, arbeiten und sterben in ihm. Der Staub wird zur Allegorie retrospektiver Erzählungen und Geschehnisse, die sich im Raum ereignet haben. Was passiert oder was bleibt von uns, wenn ein Ort zurückgelassen wird? DUST lässt den Raum für sich sprechen und die Geschichte erzählen.
Support/ Förderung: Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, Fond Darstellende Künste e.V., Tanzfabrik Berlin e.V.
Bühne/Stage cooperation with Henry Siering handwerk+design